Monday, March 29, 2010

Berry Plants Galore!

In an effort to promote permaculture and urban gardening, and in an effort to free me from the shackles of my day job (recently described as my slave job), I am selling berry plants. I am excited at how many people are already taking the steps and understanding that the growing of food crops can only be a good thing. Those who realize that global food will not be available for long, local is the only sustainable food, and the more local the better.

It all started when I sourced out plants for planting at the Roosevelt Elementary School last fall in an effort to plant 350 edible perennials to raise awareness of global warming ( Note, 350 is considered the sustainable level of CO2 in the atmosphere, which we have already exceeded with no looking back. Anyway, I have since made relationships with local farmers who also want to do what they can to make a step towards sustainability.

Plant a blueberry and make a small step towards a sustainable food supply. Encourage your neighbours, friends, schools, workplace, institution, ext. to plant blueberries, raspberries, black currants and entire gardens and help many other make the step too. When we all start stepping in unison, we will have power and traction needed to take us to the next level of sustainability. A level that is going to be much more LOCAL, and a lifestyle that will be much more REWARDING!

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